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horizonte com montanhas e vegetação
logo do SENTNEL em azul

intelligent and innovative software for managing and monitoring engineering structures

We solve the daily challenges of managing and monitoring dams and other geotechnical structures through secure and accessible online software.

solutions designed for daily challenges

Ativo 4telas.png
Roda de serviços SENTNEL
ícone dashboard
Document Managment
Group 238591.png
Actions Plan
ícone plano de ação
Mobile Platform
ícone Plataforma Mobile
ícone inspeções anomalias
ícone instrumentação
ícone central de comunicação
ícone visualizações
ícone gráficos e relatórios
ícone alertas e notificações
3D View
Reports and Graphics
Alerts and notifications

we work with

and any type of industries

Mining, Hydrogeneration, Sanitation and Infrastructure
in addition to other sectors that need a structure monitoring system

We work in any type of structures

dams, dykes, slopes, piles and open pits
regardless of size, complexity or category

Let's change the concept of monitoring?

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